1715 Treasure Fleet Adventure Offer for 2023
We are offering the opportunity to break free from the mundane and experience an adventure filled with excitement unlike any other experience you will ever have in your lifetime; because we are offering the chance to be part of a REAL expedition to re-cover sunken treasure. All this for the same amount you would spend on an ordinary and mundane dive vacation.
Summary of Offer: We are offering a limited number of offerings. We have offering packages at 10K, 5K and 1K to cover the operational expenses of this expedition. Each offering entitles the purchaser to a percentage of treasure from what we receive in our treasure recoveries for the 2023 salvage season on the 1715 Treasure Fleet. NOTE: - Each offering can be purchased by individuals, corporations, private investment groups, etc. The offerings will be sold on a first come basis and after the offerings are sold to meet our seasonal goal there will be no further offerings.
In Addition, this also entitles you to come on board and dive with us if certified for sunken treasure on the famous 1715 Treasure Fleet and be a part of the adventure and recover history.